The results did not develop overnight but they could pay Jacqueline Job Function Email List back indefinitely. Follow up is Job Function Email List the key. As you fill your funnel, keep track of people who are not interested now but who might be more open-minded later when their circumstances change. Keep notes on these people so you can help them Job Function Email List move forward when they are ready to take action. You will need some kind of system to remember all of the people you have spoken with and where Job Function Email List you left off with each person. What material have you shared Job Function Email List with this person? What were his concerns?
When did you agree to contact him Job Function Email List again? Whether it is an old metal box with file cards or a completely high-tech electronic contact manager, Job Function Email List the only thing that matters is that you put your system to use consistently. THE APPROACH Learning how to effectively approach people to see Job Function Email List if they might be interested in your business and products is among the most important skills you will acquire.
In the early days of your business Job Function Email List you will need to talk with many more people relative to the number who will actually want to buy your products or join your organization. This is an important time to keep your expectations in check. It is also Job Function Email List the time that you are climbing up the learning curve, honing your expertise. Checking in with your sponsor, role-playing, and using all of the training tools that will be made available to you will make a world of difference. As you get Job Function Email List some success under your belt, this aspect of network marketing can become a lot more fun and less daunting than in the beginning.