The only method to RuneScape gold take down an Enthernal Guardian is creating an enchanted potion and rubbing it on the Sunrisen Staff, obtained from the chest of the setting sun. Turn around at the back of the Cheiftan's cabin and then climb the Steep Rockslide which is a 45-Agility climb. Head to the east, and then follow the path until you reach two massive boulders. These boulders are clearly impassable so keep following the path and climb the Barren Sandslide. This will require a level 55 of Agility. So climb it and you will reach the Dakrayial Beach.
There are two types of bushes. One bush is the Ecliptic Herb. If you are picked and positioned, you'll be snatched. If you are picked the posion will deplete your prayers and can reach anything from 2-8. On the otherhand, it will grow the white herb. It will heal posion and will increase your prayers by two in the next five minutes. Next, you should talk to A Sunburned Wanderer who is walking on the beach.
What's the problem? My skin hurts... My skin is hurting... Return to the docks. Head to the east, and you will arrive in East Solar Isle. It is possible to search for houses until you come across an Old Druid. Speak with the Druid.
What can I do for you today, you young adventurer? I thought you might be able to assist me find some Niraye Juice. Yes, I can. Bring me the bucket and the Ecliptic Herb. Then you return to the Beach and pick the opposite bush.
Drink Anti-Posion, and return to the Druid. Did you send me the herb? Yes, I have. You can look up my cabinit and I will give you my AntiPosion gloves. Locate the Cabinit and OSRS Fire Cape then look for the enchanted gloves. Okay, I'll start the preservation process.